Following the 2018 midterm elections, five dentists have been elected to Congress. Similar to our physician counterparts, the vast majority of dentists serving in Congress are white, male, and Republican. Not surprisingly, how the physicians and dentists in Congress have voted on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) falls largely along party lines. This is despite the fact that many doctor groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association, have opposed efforts to repeal Obamacare. Let’s look a bit further into the political stances of the five dentists elected to the 116th Congress. It’s time to get political!

Paul Gosar, R-Arizona 4th

Entering his fifth term, Gosar is pro-life, supports repealing Obamacare, and voted to prevent same-sex marriage. He opposes gun-control legislation (and was endorsed by the NRA), and co-sponsored the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. You may recall that earlier this fall, six of Gosar’s siblings appeared in an ad endorsing the Democrat running against him. Gosar infamously responded to his siblings on Twitter by saying “These disgruntled Hillary suppporters are related by blood to me but like leftists everywhere, they put political ideology before family.” Yes, that’s supporters with an extra ‘p’. Notably, he capped off his tweet with #MAGA2018.

Brian Babin, R-Texas 36th

About to begin his third term, Babin is pro-life, supports repealing Obamacare, and opposes same-sex marriage. He opposes gun-control legislation (as a 30+ year member of the NRA), opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and co-sponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.

Drew Ferguson, R-Georgia 3rd

Entering his second term, Ferguson is pro-life, supports repealing Obamacare, and opposes same-sex marriage. He opposes gun-control legislation, opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and supports defunding Planned Parenthood.

Mike Simpson, R-Idaho 2nd

About to start his eleventh term, Simpson is similarly pro-life, supports repealing Obamacare, and opposes same-sex marriage. Starting to sound familiar? He also opposes gun-control legislation and supports prohibiting federal funding for abortion.

Jeff Van Drew, D-New Jersey 2nd

The lone Democrat in his cohort, Van Drew will be starting his first term. Although Van Drew was one of the most conservative Democrats in the Jersey legislature and previously voted against the Marriage Equality Act, he is pro-choice and earlier this year voted to restore $7.5 million in state funding to Planned Parenthood. He supports fully finding the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and on his campaign website states “I will fight every day to ensure that every American is treated equally regardless of race, religion, color, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation” with regards to his most recent stance on civil rights. Time will tell. He previously had a 100% rating from the NRA but that rating has since dropped.

Is there a dentist in the House? Yes, 5.

One center-right Democrat and four very similar Republicans.



One response

  1. WOW!! I would love an update on this information since the COVID-19 Pandemic. How does the dentists’ political affiliation affect their policymaking decisions? How have their positions had an impact on dentistry so far, if, at all? Just curious if you know.

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